peakSUITE | Trailhead is a simple, easy to use tool for internal project management and client-facing initiatives. It tracks various project deliverables and due dates, guiding each one through various phases until official completion. Its calendar provides an accessible interface to easily monitor approaching milestones. And when someone requests new deliverables or milestones, you can easily implement functionality to approve, reject, or hold that request for a later date or future project.
As a client-facing application, peakSUITE | Trailhead lets your customers review, track, and stay updated on all ongoing projects for their company. Each deliverable represents a different aspect of the project described by the stakeholders, point-by-point, milestone by milestone. peakSUITE | Trailhead allows stakeholders to make updates, request new deliverables, and sign off on completions.
peakSUITE | Trailhead keeps your project stakeholders informed regularly, letting them know which stages their deliverables are in the system. Phases are customizable to fit any business. And as a Quick Base application, customizations, notifications, alternative dashboards, and reporting is only a few clicks away.
For example, a project might go through these 4 phases.
Incomplete: This item has not yet been built to specification.
Ready for Demo: This item has been completed and is ready for review.
Ready for Sign-Off: This item has been reviewed and is ready to be approved.
Signed-Off: This item is completed and reviewed to satisfaction with stakeholder approval.
Once all the items have been signed off, the project is officially complete. Any and all future deliverables that may be related to the project, but are not yet mapped out, can then be scheduled.
peakSUITE | Trailhead is a simple, effective way to keep on top of your projects while maintaining constant communication with your client. It eliminates scope creep on projects, keeps stakeholders in the loop, and holds every member of the project accountable.