Shop Floor Management

Take total control of your shop floor operations with a powerful SFMS.

Try for Free

With Quickbase SFMS applications, you will achieve optimized production operations that lead to reduced cycle times, fewer defects, and optimized asset utilization - directly translating into higher yields and operating cost savings.

Quick Benefits

  1. Shop Floor Visibility: Operational dashboards and reports including KPI boards, performance , quality, pace, issues arising, and more in real time
  2. Workforce Collaboration: Scheduling, shift change, vacation management requests, Data Collection: Scrap Tracking, 5S Checklists, Job Health Matrix 3x3x3
  3. Resource Alignment: Matching the correct operator to the right job skill/function- job skill and qualification matrix

Key Features

Key features of the SFMS app are: Daily Shop Floor Heat Maps, Vacation Request Logs, Vacation Calendars, Employee Certification Status Visuals, Certification Status Logs, Scrap Tracking, 5S Checklists for Various Subjects, Digital Shift Letter Logs, Shift Action Assignments.