OSHA Recordkeeping and Incident Reporting

Remain OSHA-compliant by tracking and automating record-keeping and incident reporting.

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The OSHA Recordkeeping and Incident Tracking application encompasses all incidents, recordable and non recordable, for a safety department's digital reporting needs. Beginning with logging all Incidents, the workflow from there can further go into OSHA Forms 301, 300, 300A for OSHA electronic reporting and regulation purposes for recordable incidents, or can stop at the incident phase for non recordables. This app is designed to add in multiple internal and external treatments and file attachments per incident to document the full story of each safety incident, no matter how large or small. With various reports and colorful dashboards, the safety team can see the full, live health of the company at the click of a button.

Quick Benefits

  • Ability to auto submit OSHA forms via API Visual Schedule to see who/where/when follow up appts will occur
  • Notifications and reminders to safety team members to accompany a team member to a doctor
  • Detailed Incident records to include unlimited documentation of internal and external treatments, and file attachments
  • Detailed reporting for informed decision making

Key Features

Quickbase helps manufacturers formalize OSHA recordkeeping by eliminating the gray work that comes along with manual tracking in notebooks and spreadsheets. The record keeping application helps automate incident reporting and track compliance activities in the following ways:

  • Incident tracking
  • Form creation & submission
  • Productivity & trend reporting