Quality Corrective Action App

Capture your full CAPA with RCA, NCRs, pictures, & more!

The Quality Corrective Action application is designed as a simple template to capture the workflow that will occur for a Corrective Action process. The workflow is based on the 8D process from official Quality processes. The app is designed with both CARs and NCRs related where necessary. NCRs can be used as the single source of information for NCRs, or can be pipelined from other sources of inputted NCR data. When creating a CAR, you can relate unlimited NCRs to each CAR to build the case for the corrective action process.

Within the CAR, you can:

  1. Define the team
  2. Log meeting notes
  3. Assign containments
  4. Root Cause Analysis (RCA) with 5 Whys and 6 Ms built in as options
  5. Assign corrective actions
  6. Log preventative actions
  7. Add unlimited file attachments
  8. Closure with leadership approval/rejection

This app also has the capability of implementing a Supplier Corrective Action Request (SCAR) process. You will be able to designate the CAR as internal or supplier responsible.

Continuous improvement by way of corrective actions - Scrap cost tracking - Full CAR project tracking


Identify responsibility of the CAR

Meeting Logs

Create meeting notes and log action items related to the CAR


Have optional 5 Whys and Ishikawa 6 Ms root cause documentation

File Attachments

Add documents as necessary for the CAR project

Key Features

  • Root Cause Analysis
    • 5W: built in option
    • 6M: built in option
    • Simple linkage to the HERCA Pro app
  • Containment/corrective action/preventative action owner assignments
  • CAR owner assignments
  • Non-Conformance Reporting (NCR)
    • Disposition reporting
    • Simple scrap data collection from NCR
    • MRB potential workflow
  • Next date verification calendar