Lifecycle management

The traditional approach to application development is resource-intensive. It doesn’t translate well for line-of-business builders who are unfamiliar with standard software development lifecycle (SDLC) practices.

Quickbase provides tools for Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) that bring IT and business builders together, so they can quickly innovate safely, and at scale, while meeting corporate requirements.

Helping line-of-business builders meet company goals

Market forces require organizations to be flexible, adaptive, and innovative. Quickbase’s no-code-driven data model and auto-generated UI eliminate the need for typical SDLC. However, companies can’t sacrifice security and compliance. IT can set up and govern processes and workflows that ensure line-of-business builders innovate safely.

Simplifying ALM

Quickbase supports the continuous improvement and deployment of business-critical applications. One important consideration for effective ALM is to properly manage the dependencies between different components. Quickbase gives you the ability to group related applications and workflows (which are called pipelines in Quickbase) together, into what we call a Solution. You can then manage changes at the Solution level, ensuring that the state of each application and pipeline within remains consistent.