Suite 4 - TWTTP & HERCA

TWTTP: The Way To Teach People & HERCA: Human Error Root Cause Analysis.

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TWTTP -(The Way To Teach People) and HERCA (Human Error Root Cause Analysis) Use cases and dashboards. Find hidden issues behind the problem. During analysis of potential worker issues, the use of The Way To Teach People (TWTTP) helps us understand the causes of problems due to Lack of Skill/Knowledge. The second part of training is locating the actual issue. The Human Error Root Cause Analysis (HERCA) form is used to analyze possible cause in case of human error. All dashboards interact with each other for reporting purposes and integration with the other Quickbase Manufacturing Suites. This application is a replacement of the excel versions of pillar rollups and allows for cross department rollup for Pillar and Plant KPIs.