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How Our Hackathon Judges See The Potential of Low-Code In Action

Written By: Matt Lieberson
October 8, 2020
3 min read

The first-ever Quickbase Virtual Hackathon is underway and we can’t wait to see what types of problems our contestants focus on in their submissions.

Quickbase has assembled a panel of smart, innovative professionals focused on solving the big issues of our time from our staff to judge the Hackathon submissions, including Chief Information Officer Deb Gildersleeve, Chief Product and Technology Officer Jay Jamison, as well as experts from our Product and Customer Success teams.

The judging panel will also include two exciting thought leaders, who have great expertise in digital transformation and the potential of low-code development:

  • Isaac Sacolick, President of StarCIO and Contributing Editor to Infoworld
  • Jason Bloomberg, President of Intellyx

We caught up with Isaac and Jason to learn what has them most excited about low–code and judging this competition.

Low code in action has major potential

As tech innovators and experienced professionals, Isaac and Jason recognize the potential for low-code solutions. In judging this competition, they get the chance to see how traditional and citizen developers can put turn their ideas into solutions with Quickbase’s low-code platform.

For Isaac, organizations recognize that they can no longer develop custom applications or SaaS tools for every business opportunity – but low-code development enables organizations to react quickly and reach the high bar of customer needs. “Low-code development provides an attractive option, and it’s incredibly powerful when companies enable citizen developers to build applications.”

Jason thinks this Hackathon has the chance to show just how powerful low-code development truly is. “I’m excited to see the power of low-code in action. There is still a common misperception that low-code isn’t for building ‘real’ business applications. I’m hoping the entries dispel that notion.”

Staying agile and relevant is a big business opportunity

Jason also sees low-code as a great way to accelerate key software development efforts and rapidly react to new challenges. “Low-code tools like Quickbase’s can be the critical missing piece of the puzzle for accelerating quality application development, enabling organizations to create and modify applications at the speed the business requires.”

At the same time, Isaac thinks low-code is a great way to rapidly develop solutions that simplify work. “For example, solutions that enable different people to collaborate in semi-structured ways and get things done efficiently.”

The Hackathon has endless possibilities

Both Isaac and Jason were most excited about the open-endedness of the Hackathon, with the chance to solve problems that surround business and society being a great opportunity for all kinds of creative problem-solvers.

The sky is the limit! This hackathon is intentionally open-ended,” said Bloomberg, who also advises contestants “bring your imagination.”

And for Isaac, the Hackathon has the chance to re-define what is possible with low-code applications and educate him on the potential of low-code as a whole.

“I’ve always been amazed at what people can accomplish without constraints,” he said. “I hope to see the best low-code developers challenge perceptions of what can be achieved with Quickbase and learn from their implementations.”

Matt Lieberson
Written By: Matt Lieberson

Matt Lieberson is a Content Marketing Manager at Quickbase.