
Happy Thanksgiving from Quick Base! [Video]

Written By: Matt Lieberson
November 25, 2020
1 min read

This Thanksgiving looks a little different than most years, but there is still plenty to be thankful for. From our friends and our loved ones (and yes, that definitely includes pets), to the new hobbies and trends we’ve picked up, there is a lot worth taking time to recognize this year. Be sure to spend some time over the holiday to relax, recharge, and consider what brings you joy and happiness. This has been a turbulent year in many aspects, but that makes the moments of reflection more valuable.

Members of the Quickbase team wanted to share what they’re grateful for this year, in this video:

Wishing everybody a safe, healthy, and restful Thanksgiving!

Matt Lieberson
Written By: Matt Lieberson

Matt Lieberson is a Content Marketing Manager at Quickbase.

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