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Quickbase News

Increase Work Efficiency: Build with Confidence and Drive Better Decisions

Written By: Matt Lieberson
January 7, 2024
4 min read

With the rate at which businesses are adopting digital transformation, It is harder than ever to increase efficiency, and make collaborative, informed decisions. In this fast-changing market, businesses need to be able to adapt quickly. They need to prioritize simple processes, minimal waste, and maximum productivity. Unfortunately, people, systems and data are getting more fragmented – and making this nearly impossible.

Instead of increasing efficiency and collaboration, businesses are instead getting more disconnected. As more systems are brought in to take on more complex work, fragmentation grows throughout the organization. Our recent study found that almost 94% of respondent organizations are at moderate or high risk of fragmentation negatively impacting their business. Without a way to get people on the same page, making informed decisions is incredibly difficult.

In making application-building more intelligent and adding in efficient, simple ways to keep tabs on critical projects, Quickbase is easing the challenges of fragmentation – and giving you the power to get more out of your people, systems, and processes.

Quickbase’s new product features allow you to quickly make smarter decisions and build confidently with the most valuable information at hand. Our new features and enhancements sit where increased efficiency meets intelligence. They enable you to do things faster, with more insight, and in a way that gives everybody the visibility they need.

Solutions with confidence and speed

For people seeking to get value quickly, building solutions with confidence is critical to uniting and elevating the most important data. That process often starts with building trust across teams where there may have previously been siloes.

“Talking with others is crucial,” said Deb Cote, Senior Director at Dana-Farber. “I ask myself, does this add value?” With cross-functional buy-in, you will have more confidence in the ways you can connect your systems and automate more processes.

One way to confidently build applications that bring together systems and people? Leveraging the experience and know-how of Quickbase. Smart Builder is powered by machine learning, based on over 880,000 tables and over 26 million fields. It recommends relevant tables and fields that you can instantly add as you build your application. For example, if you are building a CRM, Smart Builder may suggest a table with fields that match the needs of a CRM application like Email Address and Name. And with this knowledge built into Quickbase, you can trust that your applications will fit the specific needs of your business.

“The new AI is intuitive to use and makes it easier to add new fields, create tables, and ultimately build apps in less time and with fewer clicks,” said John Crosland, Principal Software Engineer at Inglett & Stubbs. “Plus, we can build apps to fit how we do business, not change how we do business to fit the constraints of off-the-shelf software.”

With the continuous learning of Smart Builder, you can build solutions that are more intuitive, take into account how your organization works, and get more out of the data and systems you do have more quickly.

Simplify to better deliver projects

We know that managing the big, dynamic projects that drive revenue isn’t as simple as building an application and moving on. You need to keep everybody on the same page with a simple, efficient understanding of how to best get work done.

With the confidence that your software is working for you in a smart and efficient way, finding the right ways to communicate across teams is the best way to continue driving project success. “Overcommunicating and sharing scheduled progress” are critical to success, added Cote.

Communicating is easier when everyone has a consistent, centralized view of project status and the key tasks to work on next. Gantt charts allow you to visualize processes that were previously fragmented or difficult to track across teams. Gantt provides a simple drag-and-drop view of project delivery timelines. It also supports all four kinds of task dependencies: start-to-start, start-to-finish, finish-to-start, and finish-to-finish – as well as critical path, and baselines.

Additionally, Gantt leverages the existing power of the Quickbase platform, working in concert with Pipelines, automated notifications, and more. With all of these capabilities centralized in one place, increasing business efficiencies, tracking project status and staying on top of your most important work is easier than ever.

With these new features, Quickbase is bringing more efficiency and more intelligence to your most critical business processes. Give everybody the insights and information they need to build solutions to your most complex problems quicker, understand how to move forward on critical projects, and push back on fragmentation infecting your business. This will lead to higher productivity and growth, better positioning against the competition, and more satisfied customers.

Matt Lieberson
Written By: Matt Lieberson

Matt Lieberson is a Content Marketing Manager at Quickbase.