Process Improvement

Optimize Your Project Success with a Resource Allocation Template

Written By: Ray Waldron
March 29, 2024
9 min read

Effective project management starts with essential resource allocation components. After all, these resources are what make project management viable in the first place.

Still, it's not easy. Assigning the right resources to the right steps means you have to prepare, have a nuanced understanding of the project scope, and use your industry knowledge and experience.

Read on to discover the significance of strategic resource allocation templates and how they can unlock success in project management.

The Role of Resource Allocation in Project Success

Make better decisions by identifying bottlenecks with a resource allocation template.

Resource allocation involves distributing the right resources to the right tasks at the right time. While it might seem like a lot, it allows you to complete a project successfully while dealing with obstacles.

Think of it this way: since every project is a series of tasks, everything could fall apart if one runs into a problem. On the other hand, with something like a resource allocation Excel template, you could affordably reach the best results.

Benefits of Using a Resource Allocation Template

A resource allocation template streamlines the process of assigning everything from budgets to people. Here’s how:

  • Improving visibility and transparency among project stakeholders.

  • Enhancing the precision and consistency of resource allocation decisions.

  • Decreasing the time needed to make decisions.

  • Ensuring resources align with organizational objectives and priorities.

Resource Allocation Template Plan

Good resource allocation starts with a solid plan that takes into account all of your project planning efforts. It looks at what you have, how you're using it, and how you should use it to meet business goals. Here’s how to create a comprehensive resource management plan.

​​Step 1: Resource planning and budgeting

The first step in effective resource management involves detailed resource planning and budgeting. The process includes forecasting resource requirements and matching them to the available budget.

Based on the information, you can establish a forecast budget which will consider the following elements:

  • Cost of technical resources (materials, services, software.

  • Cost of human resources (based on their professional profile and key skills to carry out the project).

  • Financial costs (provisions, credits, etc.).

Step 2: Identify resources (capacity planning)

Choosing the right resources is make-or-break for any project's success. The step involves understanding the availability and skills of your workforce and the physical and financial resources at your disposal. Decision-makers must match the right resources with the right tasks, ensuring that human, financial, and material resources align with your project's needs.

Step 3: Allocate resources

Once you identify the resources, the next step is their effective allocation. Resource allocation assigns resources to various tasks and projects based on availability and suitability. It ensures that every project gets the necessary resources without overburdening any aspect of the business.

Step 4: Resource tracking

Keeping track of resources involves monitoring usage, assessing alignment with project requirements, and making necessary adjustments. It includes invoicing upon project completion, establishing milestones, and hourly billing.

The process supports economic and personnel management aspects and involves using a resource allocation template, resource allocation excel template, and project resource management plan template.

Step 5: Resource optimization

The resource management plan's final stage is optimization, which involves analyzing resource performance and usage to improve efficiency. It may include implementing automation tools or revising strategies based on performance data.

Using Quickbase for Dynamic Project Resource Management Plans

Use an accessible and convenient resource allocation template.

Quickbase's combination of flexibility, integration, and automation streamlines the creation and execution of a project resource management plan template. It shines as a versatile platform for resource allocation, enhancing project management with its no-code framework.

Here’s a straightforward look at what it offers:

Quickbase for Resource Allocation

Quickbase supports both traditional project management with its structured approach and modern agile methodologies through its adaptability and real-time updates. It’s akin to a Swiss Army knife for project management, equipped for various methodologies with efficiency and flexibility.

Take a look at some of the benefits:

  • Time-Saving: Streamlines assigning resources, enabling more efficient team operations.

  • Productivity Boost: Offers visibility into resource distribution to quickly identify and resolve bottlenecks.

  • Unified Project Data: Integrates all project information, ensuring seamless cooperation across resources.

  • Automated Processes: Reduces manual tasks, freeing up time for more strategic activities.

  • Insightful Reporting: Provides real-time reports and dashboards for immediate insight into project status and resource utilization.

  • Mobile Accessibility: Ensures project management capabilities are available on the go, offering flexibility in operation.

Quickbase AI and its Role in Project Resource Allocation Template Management

Make your operations more productive by eliminating unproductive work and creating custom solutions with Quickbase AI.

Designed to work with resource allocation templates, Quickbase AI changes how project managers and other team leaders tackle complex tasks. Using generative AI and machine learning, Quickbase automates tasks that would normally take hours of manual labor and makes them take minutes.

Best of all, it’s changing the game for project managers and teams. Here’s how:

  • Instant Custom Apps: Describe the problem, and Quickbase AI crafts an app tailored to solve it. As a result, project managers can focus more on strategy and less on building stuff.

  • Smart Iterations: Once your app is up and running, Quickbase AI offers intelligent, personalized recommendations to fine-tune your app, ensuring it evolves with your needs.

  • Insightful Data Analysis: Dive into your data without needing a data science degree. AI sifts through your information, pulling out trends and insights that can guide better decision-making.

  • Proactive Compliance: Stay ahead of potential compliance issues with our baked-in Data Scanner, automatically searching for and highlighting any data that might pose a risk.

Resource Allocation Template Case Studies

Here are some of the best examples of resource allocation templates:

Cooper Construction Services

Construction company Cooper Construction Services mainly works for the federal government. Compliance with the Davis-Bacon Act, which mandates prevailing wage rates, poses significant challenges. Cooper faced obstacles in calculating workers' wages and fringe benefits across multiple states. Previously, spreadsheets and basic accounting software fell short of managing these complex requirements.


  • Highly regulated pay rates for diverse roles, such as laborers and electricians.

  • Difficulty tracking varying pay rates in different locations using spreadsheets.


  • Implementation of a Quickbase app for accurate calculation of local prevailing wages.

  • The app includes built-in formulas for pay rates and fringe benefits compensation.

“We use Quickbase to manage pretty much our entire back office operations from sub ledger accounting to human resources and project support. The product is wonderful. It's absolutely wonderful.”

~ Brian Cameron, VP of Corporate Operations


Digital brand experience agency, {algo+rhythm}, stands out for its user experience focus. With offices in Dallas and Fort Worth and over 50 employees, the agency serves clients like Pier One Imports, American Airlines, and Reliant Energy.


  • Measuring project profitability was challenging.

  • Streamlining the workflow was necessary.


  • A unified view of projects and resources aids in managing client deliverables and billing efficiently.

  • Automated email alerts help in avoiding missed deadlines and maintaining project timelines.

“I was looking for an application that was intuitive, yet flexible enough to allow me to create applications to support my workflow, and Quickbase seemed to do this better than any of the others.”

~ Jason Horany, COO

Resource Allocation Template Challenges and Solutions

Here are some of the challenges in resource allocations:

Resource Overallocation

When resources have more work than manageable, it often leads to burnout, decreased productivity, and compromised quality, resulting in increased stress and lower output.

To address resource overallocation, organizations can adopt these methods:

  • Capacity Planning: Evaluating resource availability and workload capacity is essential. Setting realistic timelines and appropriately allocating resources can prevent over-commitment.

  • Resource Leveling: Redistributing tasks or adjusting schedules helps optimize resource distribution. The method achieves a balanced workload across teams and minimizes overallocation risks.

Lack of Skills

Skill gaps in professional services organizations are a major resource allocation challenge. Emerging technologies, evolving client needs, and changing market demands often cause these gaps. Shortages in specific expertise and competencies can lead to inefficiencies, delays, and compromised project outcomes.

To tackle skill gaps, organizations can adopt several strategies:

  • Training and Development Programs: Investing in enhancing workforce skills through workshops, seminars, online courses, and certifications.

  • Hiring and Recruitment Strategies: These strategies focus on hiring individuals with the necessary skills and expertise. They might include partnering with recruitment agencies or tapping into professional networks to attract top talent.

  • Knowledge Sharing and Mentorship Programs: Promoting knowledge sharing and mentorship. Experienced team members can mentor and guide their less experienced counterparts, boosting skill development and knowledge transfer.

Inadequate Communication and Collaboration

Without clear and universal information sharing, misalignments and information silos emerge. These issues can result in inefficient resource use and project delays, with uncertainty often surrounding specific resource requirements.

Strategies to boost team collaboration include:

  • Project Management Tools: Adopt software or platforms like Birdview PSA that aid real-time communication, task tracking, and resource allocation visibility, enhancing transparency and collaboration.

  • Team-Building Exercises: Organize activities to foster better communication and rapport, such as workshops, team retreats, or problem-solving exercises, to build trust and improve collaboration.

  • Knowledge-Sharing Platforms: Implement platforms for exchanging information, best practices, and lessons learned to encourage continuous learning and teamwork.

Want an easy-to-use, highly configurable environment for all of your resources? Quickbase can help. You'll get AI capabilities to build secure, custom applications, interactive dashboards for data synchronization, and efficient project organization tools.

Just download our resource allocation template now to help you streamline your project management. Or, for a more detailed approach, consider our resource allocation Excel template, which caters to diverse project needs.

Quickbase supports low-code and no-code development, ensuring IT-governed, scalable solutions. Transform your project management with Quickbase with a free trial today.

Picture of Associate Content Marketing Manager Ray Waldron set against a lochinvar background
Written By: Ray Waldron

Ray Waldron is an Associate Content Marketing Manager at Quickbase.