Francine Hardaway, Ph.D. is a serial entrepreneur, angel investor, mentor, and partner in Stealthmode Partners, an accelerator for growth companies in Arizona and the Bay Area. Her expertise is in bringing tech products to market. She is a founding member of Social Media Club, Arizona Software Association, Greater Arizona ELearning Association, and the founder of the Arizona Entrepreneurship Conferences. The foundation she co-founded, the Opportunity Through Entrepreneurship Foundation, extends entrepreneurial resources to disadvantaged populations. She is also a blogger, a beta tester for new products, and a geek-to-human translator who can usually describe what these products do and why we need them. She blogs for her Stealthmode blog, writes Leadership blogs for, and sometimes about health care on Huffington Post. For laughs, Hardaway documents changes to the health care system in America at This fall, she's an adjunct professor of Journalism at ASU Cronkite School of Journalism.
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