Homework Helpers Online!
General Homework Helpers
- http://www.kids.gov/ - This governement sponsored site is great for k-8 and educators.
- http://www.discoveryeducation.com/students/index.cfm?campaign=flyout_students - Discovery Education has interactive games, activities, videos, contests, and virtual labs to learn more.
- http://quizhub.com/quiz/quizhub.cfm - Take fun online quizzes to test your smarts!
- http://www.kidport.com/ - For k-8 students, learn to have fun!
- http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/- This site makes learning fun with educational games, activities, and quizzes.
- http://funschool.kaboose.com/ - For younger students, there are games, videos, activities to help you learn and excel.
- http://www.funbrain.com/ - Have fun in Poptropica! This site focuses on English and Math.
- http://www.factmonster.com/ - This gem is a treasure trove of information on all subjects!
- http://www.kidsites.com/ - There is educational stuff, fun stuff, and grownup stuff.
- http://www.kidskonnect.com/ - Kids Konnect is a safe Internet gateway for kids!
- http://www.brainpop.com/ - Your brain might pop if you fill it with too much information. Just kidding!
- http://prongo.com/games/ages9-12.html - Puzzles and math games for students aged 9-12.
- http://www.mathcats.com - Learn Math from a few really smart cats.
- http://www.aplusmath.com - Improve you Math skills with puzzles, flash cards, worksheets, and other Homework Helpers.
- http://www.mathsisfun.com - Math is definitely fun!
- http://www.kidsnumbers.com - Learn Math step by step with this exciting site just for you!
- http://www.coolmath4kids.com - This cool Math portal is jam packed with brain benders, games, puzzles, flashcards, and more.
- http://www.webmath.com/ - Solve all your Math problems here.
- http://www.mathway.com/ - This site is designed for older students to excel at Math. You might need this tomorrow.
- http://users.altec.org/~scherrer/games/matrix/penguin/1020/intros2/3/penguin10_20c.htm - Guide Plotter the Penguin from point to point by determining the slope
- http://www.nasa.gov/audience/forkids/kidsclub/flash/index.html - Learn about the universe from the experts, NASA.
- http://education.jlab.org/elementmatching/index.html - You have a chemical symbol, but which element does it belong to?
- http://www.abcya.com/skeletal_system.htm - Can you name the bones in under 20 clicks?
- http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/periodictable_0_click_all.html - You’re given an element name, click the matching chemical symbol on the periodic table.
- http://kids.discovery.com/ - This Discovery site is designed just for kids!
- http://www.sciencemonster.com/ - The best kind of Monster is a Science Monster.
- http://www.brightstorm.com/scienc - This site is designed for older Science students. Learn about Biology, Chemistry, and Physics.
- http://www.madsci.org/ - The only Science is Mad Science. Go mad with experiments.
- http://yucky.discovery.com/flash/ - Looking for the yuckiest sites of the Internet, just for kids! Look no further.
- http://www.sciencebuddies.org/ - Looking for a science fair project, answers to a science question, or science tools?
- http://www.smithsonianeducation.org/idealabs/universe/index.html- Discover how http://www.kidskonnect.com/big the universe really is by comparing planets to every day objects
- http://www.nationalgeographic.com/ - National Geographic will inspire you to care for the planet by learning what makes it special.
Social Studies
- http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/USA_Geography/USA_Caps_1_1024.html - You have a map of the U.S. and you have to click on the correct state given its capital.
- http://www.coedu.usf.edu/culture/activity.htm - Learn about past and present world cultures by playing matching games, battleship and tic-tac-toe
- http://www.nationalgeographic.com/west/main.html - Do you have what it takes to lead Lewis and Clark on their journey west?
- http://quizhub.com/quiz/free/f-government.cfm - Pair the U.S. Constitution Amendments with what they did
- http://www.history.org/kids/index.cfm - This Kids Zone is brought to you from Colonial Williamsburg.
- http://www.smithsonian.kids.us/index.html - The Smithsonian Institution designed this kids section to test your knowledge.
- http://www.socialstudiesforkids.com/ - This site covers various topics including current events, this time in history, history, culture, and more!
- http://www.americaslibrary.gov/ - Do you know America's story?
- https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/docs/flagsoftheworld.html - Find the Flags of the World. What makes them different and what makes them the same?
- http://www.loc.gov/families/index.html - This Library of Congress provides this site for kids and families interested in learning Social Studies.
- http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/today/today.html - What happened today in History? Check back tomorrow!
- http://bensguide.gpo.gov/ - Learn about the United States Government for Kids from Ben himself!
- http://www.kidspast.com/ - Learn all about history and historical events from this children's learning network.
- http://kids.clerk.house.gov/ - Who's in the House? Kids in the House, of Representatives.
- http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/grammar/grammar_tutorial.htm - Learn Grammar and the Parts of Speech with this tutorial.
- http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/grammar/verbs.htm - Smack the robots displaying verbs
- http://www.funbrain.com/whichword/index.html - In each sentence, decide which homophone should be used.
- http://www.starfall.com/ - For younger students just learning to read.
- http://pbskids.org/ - For younger students looking for their favorite PBS friends.
- http://www.kidsspell.com/ - Practice your spelling and improve your ability to read and write.
- http://www.drgrammar.org/ - This site is designed for older students of to learn about grammar and word choice.
- http://www.spellingcity.com/ - Vocabulary and Spelling City entices you to practice with games, quizzes, and flashcards.
Computers & Technology
- http://www.abcya.com/ - This site is full of games to learn with an amazing section on computers and technology for kids.
- http://www.abcya.com/keyboard.htm - Can you put the keys back on the keyboard in all the right places?
- http://www.factmonster.com/ipka/A0900058.html - We are in the Electronic Era. Wonder how we got there?
- http://www.wiredkids.org/wiredkids_org.html - Are you Wired Up?
- http://www.4kids.org/ - This site boasts to having the latest techKNOWLEDGEy on the web.
- http://www.fbi.gov/fun-games/kids/kids-safety - This important site is dedicated to kids safety tips for using the Internet.
Art & Music
- http://kids.albrightknox.org/loader.html - This link takes you to a whole room full of games from Albright Knox Art Gallery
- http://www.pbs.org/wnet/ihas/ - Ever wonder where American Songs come from?
- http://www.hitentertainment.com/artattack/index_noflash.html - Learn art from the Art Attack!
- http://www.artsconnected.org/toolkit/index.html - This toolkit will help you learn how tools are used to create Art.
- http://www.eduweb.com/insideart/ - This site is an adventure into Art History.
- http://www.pedaplus.com/index.php/2011-05-09-16-34-24 - Choose the clef and then name the notes
- http://www.dsokids.com/ - Learn music by playing games!
- http://www.creatingmusic.com/ - Compose music. Play games. Challenge yourself with musical puzzles. And discover music!
- http://www.musicards.net/ - Learn the components of music with theory flash cards.
Foreign Language
- http://www.123teachme.com/learn_spanish/spanish_for_children - Teach me Spanish! For Kids.
- http://gardenofpraise.com/spanish.htm - Use Spanish songs to learn Spanish vocabulary.
- http://www.funbrain.com/signs/index.html - This site from Funbrain will show you how to Sign the Alphabet.
- http://www.signingtimekids.org/ - Learn to sign with playing on this interactive website.
- http://www.hello-world.com/French/index.php?prf=EN - Ever wanted to learn French?Come play and learn.
- http://www.literacycenter.net/lessonview_fr.php - This French literacy center will help you practice your new French tongue.
Other Cool Stuff
- http://www.dnr.state.wi.us/org/caer/ce/eek/job/index.htm - Learn about possible career options from Eek!
- http://www.fema.gov/kids/career.htm - Learn about careers at FEMA and help people from disaster.
- http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/swfa/kidspage/ - Do you know what to do with aluminum, glass, tin, plastic, and paper?
- http://kids.nationalgeographic.com/kids/games/actiongames/recycle-roundup/ - Play the Recycle Roundup game!
- http://kids.niehs.nih.gov/recycle.htm - Do you know the 3 R's? Reduce. Reuse. Recycle.
- http://www.firesafety.gov/kids/html/ - Get fire safe. Protect yourself and your family.
- http://www.sparky.org/#/Sparky - Learn fire safety from Sparky the Fire Dog.