QuickBase Automation and Integration using Ruby

Why use the Ruby SDK for QuickBase?

  1. You have a problem that can't be solved in the browser with QuickBase or Javascript.
  2. You have to use the QuickBase API.
  3. You want a simple language that just does what it's told and is friendly to work with.
  4. You don't wan't to write a bunch of code just to get basic things accomplished.
  5. If you don't like how the Ruby SDK does something, change the source code.

Get Ruby and the SDK

  1. The SDK works with Ruby version 1.8.6 or higher.
  2. It works with JRuby but not with IronRuby, yet.
  3. Get Ruby: 1-Click installer for Windows: http://rubyforge.org/frs/download.php/47082/ruby186-27_rc2.exe
  4. Get Ruby: Other O.S.: http://rubyforge.org/frs/?group_id=426&release_id=27644
  5. Get JRuby: http://jruby.org/download
  6. Get the SDK from code.intuit.com
  7. QuickBase API CookBook: https://www.quickbase.com/db/bcdcajmrf

Ruby SDK Basics

Put Ruby code in a file with a .rb extension (e.g. authenticate.rb), and run it by typing ruby authenticate.rb
  1. authenticate.rb:
    require 'QuickBaseClient'
    qbc = QuickBase::Client.new("username","password")
    qbc2 = QuickBase::Client.new; qbc2.authenticate("username","password")
  2. addRecord.rb:
    require 'QuickBaseClient'
    qbc = QuickBase::Client.new("username","password")
    recordId, update_id = qbc.addRecord("bcdcajmrf",{"Name" => "Fred"})
  3. editRecord.rb:
    require 'QuickBaseClient'; qbc = QuickBase::Client.new("username","password")
    qbc.editRecord("bcdcajmrf","1",{"Name" => "Fred"})
  4. doQuery.rb:
    require 'QuickBaseClient'
    QuickBase::Client.new("username","password").doQuery("bcdcajmrg"){|record_xml| print record_xml}
  5. signOut.rb:
    require 'QuickBaseClient'
    qbc = QuickBase::Client.new("username","password")

Integration and Automation

  1. Send HTML Email
    require 'QuickBaseClient'
    require 'QuickBaseEmailer'
    def send_email( subject, message, bccRecipients )
        emailBody =   "Content-Type: text/html;\n\n"
        emailBody << "<HTML><BODY>"
        emailBody << message
        emailBody << "</BODY></HTML>"
        qbe = QuickBase::Emailer.new( "fred@bedrock.com", "wilma" )
        qbe.sendBccEmail( "fred@bedrock.com", # from 
                                    ["fred@bedrock.com", "wilma@bedrock.com"], # to 
                                    bccRecipients, # BCC 
                                    "mail.bedrock.com", # SMTP email server 
                                    25,  # SMTP email port 
                                    nil )
    qbc = QuickBase::Client.new( "fred@bedrock.com", "wilma" )
    loop {
      qbc.iterateRecords( "bdcvpsxpy", 
                                    [ "Record ID#", "subject", "message", "bccRecipients" ], nil, nil, 
                                    "Pending Emails Report" ) { |record |
        send_email( record["subject"], record["message"], record["bccRecipients"].split(/,/) ) 
        qbc.editRecord( "bdcvpsxpy", record["Record ID#"], { "sent" => "1" } ) # Exclude from  Pending Emails Report 
      sleep( 5 ) # wait 5 minutes then check for more emails
  2. Generate a simple RSS feed from multiple tables
    require 'QuickBaseRSSGenerator'
    qbc = QuickBase::Client.new( "username", "password" )
    qbRSSgen  = QuickBase::RSSGenerator.new( qbc )
    qbRSSgen.setTitle( "QuickBase Forum/KnowledgeBase RSS" )
    qbRSSgen.setLink( "main" )
    qbRSSgen.setDescription( "RSS view of QuickBase Community Forum and KnowledgeBase" )
    qbRSSgen.addTable("8emtadvk", "Community Forum", { "title" => "6", "description" => "10" },  # Field IDs
                                    nil, nil, "List Changes", 75 ) # 75 records
    qbRSSgen.addTable( "6mztyxu8", "KnowledgeBase", { "title" => "5", "description" => "6" }, 
                                     "{'6'.CT.'API'}", # API KnowledgeBase entries
                                     nil, nil, 50 ) # 50 records
    rssText = qbRSSgen.generateRSStext
    File.open( "QuickBaseInfoRSS.xml", "w" ) { |file| file.write( rssText ) } # upload to QuickBase ?! 
  3. Twitter/QuickBase Integration
    require 'QuickBaseTwitterConnector'  # Installed with SDK
    QuickBase::TwitterConnector.new # Starts an interactive session
    Below is a example of an interactive session.
    The Twitter Connector will run in a loop, checking for new information every few minutes.
    Probably the most useful feature of this Connector is the ability to send two types of
    automated response: static text, and the results from simple REST queries.
    Enables talking to QuickBase from a phone or IM application (via Twitter) !
    The Connector automatically creates a QuickBase application using your QuickBase
    username and your Twitter username. 
    Please enter the Quickbase username to use for this session: fred_flintstone@internet.com
    Please enter the Quickbase password to use for this session: wilma
    Please enter the Twitter username to use for this session: fred_flintstone
    Please enter the Twitter password to use for this session: wilma
    Please enter a number to select the connection type:
    1 - Send Twitter messages to QuickBase.
    2 - Send QuickBase messages to Twitter.
    3 - Exchange messages between QuickBase and Twitter.
    4 - Send automated replies from QuickBase to Twitter.
    5 - All the above.
    Getting 'friends' Twitter Status since Fri, 28 Mar 2008 13:47:24 -0700.
    Getting Direct Messages from Twitter since Fri, 28 Mar 2008 13:47:24 -0700.
    Sending messages from QuickBase to Twitter added since Fri, 28 Mar 2008 13:47:24 -0700.
    Getting Direct Messages from Twitter since Fri, 28 Mar 2008 13:47:24 -0700.
    Automated Direct Message sent to wilma_flintstone: what's for dinner?: rex ribs

  4. A longer version of this presentation is below

    QuickBase Automation and Integration using Ruby


    If you have to use the QuickBase API outside the browser, one option is to access it via Ruby. Ruby is simple, flexible, powerful, easy to install and learn, and the Ruby SDK for QuickBase makes using the API straightforward. Through a series of concrete examples, we'll look at some SDK basics then go onto email, RSS, Twitter, web servers and other topics.

    Presenter Bio

    Gareth Lewis has been a QuickBase addict since it was called OneBase, and a Ruby fan since 2000. He created the Ruby SDK in 2005 and enjoys helping people use it to be more productive. He works as a software engineer at a medical technology company in San Diego.

    Top Down Bottom

    1. Why use the Ruby SDK for QuickBase?

    1. You have a problem that can't be solved in the browser with QuickBase or Javascript.
    2. You have to use the QuickBase API.
    3. You want a simple language that just does what it's told and is friendly to work with.
    4. You don't wan't to write a bunch of code just to get basic things accomplished.
    5. If you don't like how the Ruby SDK does something, change the source code.
    Top Up Down Bottom

    2. Get Ruby and the SDK

    1. The SDK works with Ruby version 1.8.6 or higher.
    2. It works with JRuby but not with IronRuby, yet.
    3. Get Ruby: 1-Click installer for Windows: http://rubyforge.org/frs/download.php/47082/ruby186-27_rc2.exe
    4. Get Ruby: Other O.S.: http://rubyforge.org/frs/?group_id=426&release_id=27644
    5. Get JRuby: http://jruby.org/download
    6. Get the SDK :
      download ipp_quickbase_devkit, enter gem install ipp_quickbase_devkit in the download folder
    7. To verify that the SDK was installed, type this to launch a command-line interface to Quickbase:
      ruby -e "require 'rubygems' ; require 'QuickBaseCommandLineClient' ; QuickBase::CommandLineClient.new.run"
    8. Documentation: Enter gem server , go to http://localhost:8808/ ... ipp_quickbase_devkit ...
    9. QuickBase API CookBook: https://www.quickbase.com/db/bcdcajmrf
    Top Up Down Bottom

    3. Ruby SDK Basics

    1. authenticate.rb:
      require 'QuickBaseClient'
      qbc = QuickBase::Client.new("username","password")
      qbc2 = QuickBase::Client.new; qbc2.authenticate("username","password")
    2. grantedDBs.rb:
      require 'QuickBaseClient'; qbc = QuickBase::Client.new("username","password")
      qbc.grantedDBs.each {|dbinfo| puts dbinfo}
    3. addRecord.rb:
      require 'QuickBaseClient'
      qbc = QuickBase::Client.new("username","password")
      recordId, update_id = qbc.addRecord("bcdcajmrf",{"Name" => "Fred"})
    4. editRecord.rb:
      require 'QuickBaseClient'; qbc = QuickBase::Client.new("username","password")
      qbc.editRecord("bcdcajmrf","1",{"Name" => "Fred"})
    5. doQuery.rb:
      require 'QuickBaseClient'
      QuickBase::Client.new("username","password").doQuery("bcdcajmrg"){|recordxml| puts recordxml}
    6. signOut.rb:
      require 'QuickBaseClient'
      qbc = QuickBase::Client.new("username","password")
    Top Up Down Bottom

    4. Useful methods

    1. Display or log API requests and responses
      puts qbc.lastError # prints error info from last request
      qbc.logToFile( "c:\\qb_API_log.txt" )
    2. Get one record
      record = qbc.getRecord("24105","8emtadvk")
    3. Modify a record, or add one if it doesn't exist
      qbc.addOrEditRecord("bcdcajmrf", {"Last Name" => "Flintstone"}, "21")
    4. Modify records matching a query
      qbc.editRecords("bcdcajmrf", {"Last Name" => "Flinstone-Rubble"}, "{'7'.CT.'Bedrock'}")
    5. Loop through records
      qbc.iterateRecords("bcdcajmrf", ["First Name","Last Name"],"{'7'.CT.'Bedrock'}") { |record| 
         puts "Bedrock resident: #{record['First Name']}, #{record['Last Name']" }
    6. Import records from files
      qbc.importCSVFile( "c:\\my_data.csv", "bcdcajmrf" )
      qbc.importFromExcel("bcdcajmrf", "c:\\my_data.xls", "d")
    7. Download records to CSV
      qbc.makeSVFile( "contacts.csv", ",", "dhnju5y7", nil, nil, "List Changes" )
    8. Upload or update a file attachment and optionally set the value of additional fields
      qbc.uploadFile( "dhnju5y7", "contacts.txt", "Contacts File", { "Notes" => "Fred's Contacts" })
      qbc.updateFile( "dhnju5y7", "22", "contacts.txt", "Contacts File", { "Notes" => "Wilma's Contacts" })
    9. Get lists of things.
      qbc.getFieldIDs("bcdcajmrf") ; qbc.getFieldNames("bcdcajmrf") ; qbc.getFieldChoices("bcdcajmrf","Department")
      qbc.getTableIDs("bcdcajmrf") ; qbc.getTableNames("bcdcajmrf")
    10. min, max, sum, average, count.
      minimums = qbc.min("bcdcajmrf",["Date Sent","Quantity","Part Name"])
      maximums = qbc.max("bcdcajmrf",["Date Sent","Quantity","Part Name"])
      sums = qbc.sum("bcdcajmrf",["Quantity","Price"], "{'7'.CT.'Harry Potter'}")
      average_book_price = qbc.average("bcdcajmrf",["Price"], "{'7'.CT.'Book'}")
      bedrock_counts = qbc.count("bcdcajmrf",["Date Sent","Quantity","Part Name"], "{'7'.CT.'Bedrock'}")
    Top Up Down Bottom

    5. Ruby tricks

    1. Get data from pre-determined places
      qbc.bcdcajmrf.xml_desc  # description from bcdcajmrf application
      qbc.bcdcajmrh.qid_1.printChildElements(qbc.records)  # print records from query #1 in table bcdcajmrh
      print qbc.dbid_8emtadvk.rid_24105.fid_6  # print field 6 from record 24105 in table 8emtadvk
      qbc.xml_table.elements['name'].text  # Table name
      qbc.xml_field('1').label  # Field 1 name
      qbc.xml_field('2').required == "1"  # Field 2 required?
      qbc.xml_query('1')  # XML for Query 1
      qbc.xml_query('1').qyname  # Name for Query 1
      qbc.xml_query('2').qycrit  # Query 2 criteria
      qbc.xml_next_record_id  # Next Record #ID
      qbc.xml_num_fields # Number of fields in record 24105
    2. If you like object-oriented programming...
      require 'QuickBaseObjects' # very new
      qbob = QuickBase::Objects::Builder.new("username","password")
      myApplication = qbob.application("My Application")
      # myApplication is an instance of class QuickBase::Objects::Application 
      # generated dynamically from the schema for "My Application"
      # lots of objects with member variables...
      myApplication.roles.each_value{ |role| puts role.name, role.id, role.access }
      myApplication.users.each_value{ |user| print user.id }
      myApplication.variables.each_value{ |variable| print "#{variable.name}: #{variable.value}" }
      myApplication.pages.each_value{ |page| print page.name }
      myApplication.tables.each_value{ |table| print table.name }
      myApplication.vTestVariable # application variable (v)
      myApplication.vTestVariable = "New value for TestVariable"
      print myApplication.pDefault_Dashboard.name # application page (p)
      # Contacts table (t) queries (a.k.a. reports)
      myApplication.tContacts.queries.each_value{ |query| print query.name } 
      # Properties of the List All query (q)
      myApplication.tContacts.qList_All.properties.each_pair{ |key,value| print "#{key}: #{value}" }
      myApplication.tContacts.qList_All.qyclst # Columns in the List All query 
      # Run the List All query, print the Name field
      records = myApplication.tContacts.qList_All.run 
      records.each{ |record| print record.fName }
      myApplication.tContacts.fields.each_value{ |field| print field.name }
      myApplication.tContacts.fPhone.id  # Phone Field ID (f)
      myApplication.tContacts.fields["7"].name # Name of field 7
    3. If you're a Ruby purist ...
      qbc.alias_methods # Every lowercaseUppercase method gets a lowercase_lowercase method.
    Top Up Down Bottom

    6. Simple examples

    1. dumpSchema.rb
      # run using (e.g.) 'ruby dumpSchema.rb 8emtadvk'
      require 'QuickBaseClient'
      qbc = QuickBase::Client.new("username","password")
      File.open("#{ARGV[0]}.schema.xml","w"){ |f| f.write( qbc.qdbapi ) } # qbc.qdbapi is the xml
    2. Invite Fred to My Fantastic Application
      require 'QuickBaseClient'
      qbc = QuickBase::Client.new("username","password","My Fantastic Application")
      qbc._provisionUser("11", "fred_flintstone@internet.com", "fred", "flintstone") #  "11" = Participant role id  
      qbc._sendInvitation( qbc.userid ) # '_' means re-use last dbid
    3. Run pre-defined Import #3 into table bcdcajmrf
      require 'QuickBaseClient'
      qbc = QuickBase::Client.new("username","password")
    4. Set the value of an application variable
      require 'QuickBaseClient'
      qbc = QuickBase::Client.new("username","password","My Appointments")
    5. Add an Authors table to a Books application
      require 'QuickBaseClient'
      qbc = QuickBase::Client.new( "username","password","Books")
      qbc._addField("Name", "text")
    6. Yet another way to get data
      require 'QuickBaseClient'
      qbc = QuickBase::Client.new(ENV["quickbase_username"],ENV["quickbase_password"])
      qbc.processRESTRequest("QuickBase Community Forum") # Table id for QuickBase Community Forum
      qbc.processRESTRequest("8emtadvk") # Name of Community Forum table
      qbc.processRESTRequest("8emtadvk/24105") #Community Forum record for Ruby wrapper
      qbc.processRESTRequest("6ewwzuuj/Function Name") # Function Names listed in QuickBase Support Center
      qbc.processRESTRequest("QuickBase API Cookbook v3/Recipes/93") # Recipe 93 from API Cookbook
      qbc.processRESTRequest("QuickBase API Cookbook v3/Recipes/93/Title") # Title of Recipe 93
    7. Alternative syntax to get a 'qbc'
      qbc = QuickBase::Client.init( { "stopOnError" => true,  "printRequestsAndResponses" => true } )
      # Avoids having to know and use default values for optional parameters
    8. Using 'mycompany.quickbase.com' instead of 'www.quickbase.com'
      qbc1 = QuickBase::Client.new( "fred_flinstone@internet.com", "wilma", nil, true, false, false, false, "mycompany" )
      qbc2 = QuickBase::Client.init({ "username"= >"fred_flinstone@internet.com", "password"=>"wilma", "org"=>"mycompany" })
      qbc3 = QuickBase::Client.new( "fred_flinstone@internet.com", "wilma")
      qbc3.setqbhost( true, "mycompany" ) 
    9. Set a running total field
      require 'QuickBaseClient'
      qbc = QuickBase::Client.new("username", "password")
      runningTotal = 0
      # Sort order is important! 
      qbc.iterateRecords( "bdcvpsxpy", [ 'number', 'Record ID#' ], nil, nil, "List All by Date Created"){|record| 
        runningTotal += record['number'].to_i # Add up the 'number' field
        qbc.editRecord("bdcvpsxpy",record['Record ID#'], {"running total" => runningTotal.to_s} )
    10. Using Ruby code as a 'formula' field - ' use only as directed '
      require 'QuickBaseClient'
      qbc = QuickBase::Client.new("username", "password")
      qbc.iterateRecords( "bdcvpsxpy", qbc.getFieldNames( "bdcvpsxpy" ) ) { |record|
        nameAndNumber = eval( record['ruby formula 1'] ) || "<name and number>"
        qbc.editRecord("bdcvpsxpy", record['Record ID#'], {"name+number"=> nameAndNumber} )
    11. The QuickBase API CookBook has 116+ examples.
      Mostly Ruby examples.
      Also installed locally in the 'examples' folder. 
      Other languages, suggestions, volunteers, welcome.
    Top Up Down Bottom

    7. Integration and Automation

    1. Send HTML Email
      require 'QuickBaseClient'
      require 'QuickBaseEmailer'
      # ---------------------------------------------------------------- 
      def send_email( subject, message, bccRecipients )
          emailBody =   "Content-Type: text/html;\n\n"
          emailBody << "<HTML><BODY>"
          emailBody << message
          emailBody << "</BODY></HTML>"
          qbe = QuickBase::Emailer.new( "fred@bedrock.com", "wilma" )
          qbe.sendBccEmail( "fred@bedrock.com", # from 
                                      ["fred@bedrock.com", "wilma@bedrock.com"], # to 
                                      bccRecipients, # BCC 
                                      "mail.bedrock.com", # SMTP email server 
                                      25,  # SMTP email port 
                                      nil )
      # ---------------------------------------------------------------- 
      qbc = QuickBase::Client.new( "fred@bedrock.com", "wilma" )
      loop {
        qbc.iterateRecords( "bdcvpsxpy", 
                                      [ "Record ID#", "subject", "message", "bccRecipients" ], nil, nil, 
                                      "Pending Emails Report" ) { |record |
          send_email( record["subject"], record["message"], record["bccRecipients"].split(/,/) ) 
          # bccRecipients field contains email addresses separated by commas
          qbc.editRecord( "bdcvpsxpy", record["Record ID#"], { "sent" => "1" } ) # Exclude from  Pending Emails Report 
        sleep( 5 ) # wait 5 minutes then check for more emails
    2. Generate a simple RSS feed from multiple tables
      require 'QuickBaseRSSGenerator'
      qbc = QuickBase::Client.new( "username", "password" )
      qbRSSgen  = QuickBase::RSSGenerator.new( qbc )
      qbRSSgen.setTitle( "QuickBase Forum/KnowledgeBase RSS" )
      qbRSSgen.setLink( "main" )
      qbRSSgen.setDescription( "RSS view of QuickBase Community Forum and KnowledgeBase" )
      qbRSSgen.addTable("8emtadvk", "Community Forum", { "title" => "6", "description" => "10" },  # Field IDs
                                      nil, nil, "List Changes", 75 ) # 75 records<font color="blue">
      qbRSSgen.addTable( "6mztyxu8", "KnowledgeBase", { "title" => "5", "description" => "6" }, 
                                       "{'6'.CT.'API'}", # API KnowledgeBase entries
                                       nil, nil, 50 ) # 50 records
      rssText = qbRSSgen.generateRSStext
      File.open( "QuickBaseInfoRSS.xml", "w" ) { |file| file.write( rssText ) } # upload to QuickBase ?! 
    3. Twitter/QuickBase Integration
      require 'QuickBaseTwitterConnector'  # Installed with SDK
      QuickBase::TwitterConnector.new # Starts an interactive session
      Below is a example of an interactive session.
      The Twitter Connector will run in a loop, checking for new information every few minutes.
      Probably the most useful feature of this Connector is the ability to send two types of
      automated response: static text, and the results from simple REST queries.
      Enables talking to QuickBase from a phone or IM application (via Twitter) !
      The Connector automatically creates a QuickBase application using your QuickBase
      username and your Twitter username. 
      Please enter the Quickbase username to use for this session: fred_flintstone@internet.com
      Please enter the Quickbase password to use for this session: wilma
      Please enter the Twitter username to use for this session: fred_flintstone
      Please enter the Twitter password to use for this session: wilma
      Please enter a number to select the connection type:
      1 - Send Twitter messages to QuickBase.
      2 - Send QuickBase messages to Twitter.
      3 - Exchange messages between QuickBase and Twitter.
      4 - Send automated replies from QuickBase to Twitter.
      5 - All the above.
      Getting 'friends' Twitter Status since Fri, 28 Mar 2008 13:47:24 -0700.
      Getting Direct Messages from Twitter since Fri, 28 Mar 2008 13:47:24 -0700.
      Sending messages from QuickBase to Twitter added since Fri, 28 Mar 2008 13:47:24 -0700.
      Getting Direct Messages from Twitter since Fri, 28 Mar 2008 13:47:24 -0700.
      Automated Direct Message sent to wilma_flintstone: what's for dinner?: rex ribs
    4. Start a Ruby script by clicking a link in a web page (e.g. in QuickBase)
      If you're running a web server that is accessible to your QuickBase users, you can 
      put links (e.g. formula URLs) in QuickBase that run Ruby scripts on your server.  
      You can run scripts on each user's own machine if there's a web server running on http://localhost. 
      One of the simplest Ruby web servers to install and run is Ramaze (http://ramaze.net).
      • Install: gem install ramaze
      • Run: paste the example code below into show_schema.rb and type ruby show_schema.rb
      • In your browser, enter http://localhost:7000/show_schema/bcdcajmrg . It displays the schema for bcdcajmrg in your browser.
      require 'rubygems'
      require 'ramaze'
      require 'QuickBaseClient'
      class MainController < Ramaze::Controller
        map '/'
        layout :page
        def show_schema(dbid)
           @title = "Schema for #{dbid}"
            html = "Oops - couldn't find the schema for that table."
            qbc = QuickBase::Client.new(ENV["qb_username"],ENV["qb_password"]) # Environment variables
            if qbc and qbc.requestSucceeded
               if qbc.requestSucceeded
                 schema = ""
                 qbc.qdbapi.write(schema, 3)
                 html = "<pre>#{schema}</pre>" 
         def page
    5. Distribute Ruby scripts as Windows .EXE files
      Use ocra (One-Click Ruby Application) to distribute to Ruby scripts to Windows users without making them install Ruby.
      To install ocra, type gem install ocra
      To make awesome_script.exe out of awesome_script.rb, type ocra awesome_script.rb
      The ocra website is http://ocra.rubyforge.org/
    6. Search for records from a command-line, display the results in browser
      This is good to launch from different batch files for different tables and fields.
      That way you can just run (e.g.) find_contacts.bat fred 
      This code goes in quickbase_record_finder.rb.
      require 'QuickBaseClient'
      def find_and_display_records
        qbc = QuickBase::Client.init({"username" => ARGV[0] ,"password" =>  ARGV[1],"org" => ARGV[2], "cacheSchemas"=> true})
        search_value = ""
        (6..ARGV.length-1).each{ |index| search_value << "#{qbc.encodeXML(ARGV[index])} "}
        search_value.gsub!("'","\\'") ;  search_value.strip!
        query = ""
        field_ids = ARGV[4].split(/\./)
        field_ids.each{ |fid|  query << "{'#{fid}'.CT.'#{search_value}'}OR"  }
        rids = qbc.getRecordsArray( ARGV[3],["3"], query, nil, nil, "3" )
        if rids and rids.length > 0
          if rids.length > 1  # Found 2+ records - get HTML from QuickBase
            html = qbc.genResultsTable(ARGV[3],query,ARGV[5])
            system("start quickbase_find_results.html")  
          elsif rids.length == 1 # 1 record - launch edit record in QuickBase
            rid = rids[0]["3"]
            system("start https://www.quickbase.com/db/#{ARGV[3]}?a=er^&rid=#{rid}^&username=#{ARGV[0]}^&password=#{ARGV[1]}")
        else # No records - launch find record in QuickBase
          system("start https://www.quickbase.com/db/#{ARGV[3]}?a=genadvfind^&username=#{ARGV[0]}^&password=#{ARGV[1]}")
      if ARGV[5]
        rescue StandardError => error   
           puts "\n\nAn error occurred while looking for QuickBase records: #{error}\n\n"
        puts "\n\nUsage: quickbase_record_finder <username> <password> <realm> <table_DBID> <field_IDs> <field_IDs_To_Display> <search_value>"
        puts "\ne.g: quickbase_record_finder fred.flinstone@internet.com wilma www 8emtadvk 4.5.6 barney\n\n"
    7. Interact with QuickBase from 'desktop' applications.
      There are multiple Ruby options for creating GUI applications outside the browser.
      JRuby and IronRuby greatly increase the options.
      See the 'QuickBase Instant Messenger' application at https://www.quickbase.com/db/bb4xcmxni
      for an example of a IM application written using the cross-platform Tk library.
    8. Watir - Browser automation using Ruby
      OK, this isn't about QuickBase or the API necessarily, but if you make the leap into Ruby 
      you should know that you can use it to automate your browser using a very nice library 
      called Watir.  It's actually a testing tool for web applications 
      but it can save you many hours of typing and clicking.
      1. Install: gem install watir
      2. Paste the code below into qblogin.rb
      3. Run it using ruby qblogin.rb
      4. Put ruby qblogin.rb in a batch file and run it every time you want to login to QuickBase!
      require 'watir'
        ie = Watir::IE.attach(:title, "Sign In")  # The Sign In page is already open in IE
        ie = Watir::IE.new
        ie.goto("https://www.quickbase.com/db/main?a=SignIn")  # Open IE on the Sign In page
      ie.speed = :fast
      ie.text_field(:name, "loginid").set "quickbase_username"  # put your username here 
      ie.text_field(:name, "password").set "quickbase_password"  # put your password here
      ie.button(:name, "SignIn").click
    9. Ruby on Rails Integration
      The Ruby SDK comes with a Rails adapter for QuickBase, and an example of using it with 
      the Project Manager Plus application from the Application Library.
      Rails prefers databases that understand SQL, and the adapter is capable of
      translating simple SQL SELECT, INSERT and UPDATE statements to the 
      QuickBase equivalents, but it also lets you use the QuickBase query 
      language in your Rails code.
      You could just use the QuickBase::Client directly in your Rails code without going through the adapter, but the 
      adapter helps keep your Rails code cleaner.
      Since Rails comes with a default DB, it's unlikely that you'll use QuickBase instead of a SQL DB.
      However, the Ruby SDK and the adapter make integrating some data from QuickBase into Rails 
      applications pretty straightforward.
      Another approach to using QuickBase with Rails would be to use the ODBC driver from QuNect. 
    10. Rhomobile - Ruby on Smart Phones
      Rhomobile is a new and promising Ruby development system for all 
      the major smart phone OS's. You develop apps in a similar way to Rails.
      QuickBase is an ideal backend DB for Rhomobile apps, or any data-oriented phone app.
      Rhomobile apps go through a web server to connect to the DB.
      Synch'ing data is handled via a 'Rhosync' adapter.
      The Rhosync adapter for a QuickBase Contacts application is below.
      Since the same code could be used for most single-table applications, it could be generated
      automatically; Ruby is really good at code generation .
      require 'WorkPlaceClient'
      class IppQuickbaseContacts < SourceAdapter
        def initialize(source,credential)
          @wpc = QuickBase::WorkPlaceClient.new 
        def login
          raise "WorkPlaceClient not initialized" unless @wpc
          raise "WorkPlace authentication failed" unless @wpc.requestSucceeded
          raise "Could not connect to the WorkPlace Contacts application" unless @wpc.requestSucceeded
          @contactsTableID = @wpc.lookupChdbid("Contacts",@wpc.dbid)
          raise "Could not connect to the WorkPlace Contacts table" unless @contactsTableID
          @fieldIDs = {}
          @wpc.getFieldNames(@contactsTableID).each{|field_name|@fieldIDs[field_name] = @wpc.lookupFieldIDByName(field_name,@contactsTableID)}
          @session_id = @wpc.ticket.dup
        def query
          @result.each{|record|record['id'] = record['Record ID#'].dup}
        def sync
        def create(name_value_list)
             record.each{|k,v|@wpc.addFieldValuePair(k,nil,nil,v) unless @fieldIDs[k].to_i < 6}
             @wpc.addRecord(@contactsTableID, @wpc.fvlist) if @wpc.fvlist
        def update(name_value_list)
          rid = nil
            @wpc.addFieldValuePair(field["name"],nil,nil,field["value"]) unless field["name"] == "id" or @fieldIDs[field["name"]].to_i < 6
            rid = field["value"] if field["name"] == "id"
          @wpc.editRecord(@contactsTableID, rid, @wpc.fvlist) if @wpc.fvlist and rid
        def delete(name_value_list)
          name_value_list.each{|record|@wpc.deleteRecord(@contactsTableID,record["value"]) if record["name"] == "id"}
        def logoff
          @session_id = nil
    Top Up Bottom

    8. Summary

    1. QuickBase is great
    2. There are a some things that can only be done outside the browser, via the API
    3. Ruby is not the answer to Life, the Universe and Everything
    4. Ruby will not waste your time
    5. Ruby is a very pleasant language with tons of excellent libraries
    6. The Ruby SDK aims to help you get QuickBase API work done quickly, even if you've never used Ruby
    7. The examples in this presentation show some of what can be done, and how to do it
    8. See you in the QuickBase Innovation Network !